What is a partial cystectomy?

A partial cystectomy is a surgical procedure that treats bladder cancer. Unlike a radical cystectomy, this surgery only removes part of the bladder instead of the entire organ. The bladder remains intact enough to hold enough urine for you to comfortably urinate. If the tumor in your bladder isn’t too large, and is in a spot where it can be removed without disrupting the function of your bladder, a partial cystectomy can be performed.

What is the main function of the bladder?

The bladder is an organ in the lower abdomen that collects urine. During urination, urine is emptied from the bladder through the urethra. A partial cystectomy is rarely performed, given how quickly bladder cancer can spread. The risk of cancer coming back is also higher when only part of the bladder is removed. The team at South Bay Urology in Southern California will decide if the benefits of a partial cystectomy outweigh the risks.

What can I expect during the procedure?

This surgery can be performed with robotic-assisted laparoscopy, which is minimally-invasive. 6 tiny incisions are made, running from the abdomen to the pubic bone. From the small incision in the abdomen, we can remove the affected part of the bladder and collect tissue samples for biopsy. Using these samples, we can determine if all of the cancer has been removed. The advantages of robotic-assisted laparoscopy include decreased blood loss, shorter hospital stays, and an earlier return to full activities.

After the surgery, you will use a catheter to drain urine from your bladder. We will let you know how to take care of the catheter, when you can leave the hospital and when the catheter can be removed. After the catheter is removed, your bladder may not hold as much urine as it used to, so you may need to urinate more often. As time passes, your bladder will stretch and hold more urine again.

Schedule an appointment in Southern California

If you suffer from bladder cancer, schedule an appointment at our practice in Torrance, California. We will determine whether a partial or radical cystectomy is needed, and we can also perform the surgery. To get started, call us at (310) 542-0199 or fill out the appointment request form on our site.

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    (310) 542-0199